DDW News


Symposium to explore divergent global CRC screening guidelines

CRC screening guidelines vary around the world. The U.S. is one of the only countries, for example, that relies heavily on colonoscopies for CRC screening in average-risk populations. Other countries tend to rely on less expensive and less invasive screening technologies for average-risk screening.


AGA expands foreign-language programming for international attendees

About 15,000 GI professionals attend DDW® each year and about half of those attendees come from outside the U.S.
With that in mind, AGA has organized several sessions for international attendees, including summary presentations from the recent United European Gastroenterology (UEG) Week, as well as sessions in Spanish and Mandarin.


Generational differences challenge educators, millennial learners

Technology has changed the way we learn, and millennials are a prime example of that. Using information, not just learning it, has become a key to success, according to Ryan Madanick, MD, moderator of Tuesday’s AGA Academy of Educators Plenary Session Integrating Education Technology in the Era of Millennial Learners.