Your abstract title is key in effectively communicating the essence of your research and generating interest among reviewers. Take time to select an engaging title that accurately reflects your work. Here are some useful tips for crafting a captivating title for your Digestive Disease Week® (DDW) abstract. Don’t forget to review title rules in our abstract submission guidelines and then submit by Nov. 30.
1. Informative and concise: Ensure your abstract title is clear, concise and reflects the main focus of your research. Avoid lengthy and vague terms that may confuse reviewers.
2. Consider the target audience: Know your audience and tailor your abstract title to the interests and expectations of the reviewers.
3. Highlight key concepts: Showcase the main concepts, variables and methods relevant to your research which help the reviewer quickly grasp the concept of your research.
4. Accuracy: Ensure that your title accurately represents the content of your abstract. The title should honestly and accurately represent the content of the abstract.
5. Word limit: Ensure your abstract title does not go over the 255-character limit (which includes spaces). Aim for a balance between brevity and creativity.
6. Avoid jargon and abbreviations: Use simple and understandable language that appeals to a broader audience and spell out terms for clarity.
7. Seek feedback: Share potential titles with co-authors and mentors for feedback and, if necessary, revise your title to choose the most engaging title.