DDW News

Best ASGE presentations will be reviewed in Spanish

During Tuesday’s Best of ASGE DDW en Español session, gastroenterology experts from Spanish-speaking countries will summarize the top endoscopic sessions at DDW® in five topic areas.

“This is a great opportunity to review, in the language of the numerous Ibero-American and Spanish attendees, the best information related to endoscopy presented this week in Chicago,” said Leopoldo López Rosés, MD, head of gastroenterology at the Hospital Universitario Lucus Augusti, Lugo, Spain. Dr. López Rosés will co-moderate the 90-minute afternoon session with Roque Saenz, MD, of Clinica Alemana, Santiago, Chile.

“For Spanish-speaking attendees, the common language not only facilitates a greater understanding of the scientific details of the research being presented, but also facilitates contact and serves as a starting point for establishing relationships between professionals from different countries,” Dr. López Rosés said. “This is a great initiative of the ASGE, which brings our colleagues in the U.S. closer to the great Spanish-speaking global community.”

In the first of the five presentations, Diego Juzgado-Lucas, MD, of Hospital Universitario Quiron, Madrid, Spain, will recap the top presentations related to the upper GI tract. Juan J. Vila, MD, of Complejo Hospitalario de Navarra, Pamplona, Spain, will then summarize the most significant pancreaticobiliary presentations.

Next up, Jorge R. Orillac, MD, of Clinica Hospital San Fernando, Panama City, Panama, will review the top abstracts and presentations related to colon research. Luis E. Caro, MD, of Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina, will then recount the best presentations on endoscopic ultrasound. Clara L. Martinez-Garcia, MD, of Hospital Regional No. 1, Carlos MacGregor Sanchez Navarro del Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social, Mexico City, Mexico, will conclude the session with an overview of this week’s top presentations related to the small bowel.

“I encourage all colleagues who share Spanish as their first language to attend this session and share their questions, comments and opinions, and join us in contributing to increased knowledge and strengthening ties within the Spanish-speaking scientific community,” Dr. López Rosés said.

Please refer to the DDW Mobile App or the Program section in Tuesday’s DDW Daily News for additional details on this and other DDW events.

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