DDW News

Caution: Beware of Registration and Housing Unofficial Sites

There are several not approved registration and housing sites that are posting information for the 2019 meeting and are not affiliated with Digestive Disease Week® (DDW). Members-only attendee registration and housing open on Jan. 16 and general registration and housing open on Jan. 23. Official registration and housing information will only come from an @ddw.org email address. Additionally, any housing communication will include onPeak logo seen here.

If there are any questions about the authenticity of a company or email, please contact DDW Administration. For information regarding registration and hotel blocks, please use information on our website only. The URL www.ddw.org is the only official web domain for DDW.

Here are just some of the false sites we’ve identified. They are not third-party providers and are not affiliated with DDW in any way.

2 Responses

    1. There are many hotels reserved for DDW in San Diego. You will be able to make your hotel reservation when you register for DDW. All hotel reservations must be made through onPeak, DDW’s housing provider, as hotels cannot take direct reservations. For questions, please email [email protected]. Shuttle information and map can be found in the DDW Preliminary Program (pages 7 and 8). Learn more at https://ddw.org/register/housing.

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