DDW News

Drum Roll, Please … We Have a New DDW Photo Policy!

Over the past few years, we have heard lively discussions about the Digestive Disease Week® (DDW) photography policy. The DDW Council has been listening, and recognizing that DDW is a large meeting with diverse audiences, has approved changes to the DDW photo policy.

You can review the full policy on the DDW website. Here’s what you need to know pertaining to the use of photography and social media at DDW starting with DDW 2018 on June 2, 2018.

New Policy – Main Points

The new DDW photo policy encourages photography and the sharing of data on social media. We thank our active DDW tweeters for their passion for sharing what they learn at DDW with their Twitter followers and .

What this policy does not allow is going against presenters’ wishes. Our new policy provides presenters with the ability to request no photos during their talk or of their poster.

We consider this a win, win. To summarize the new policy:

  1. Photos are allowed for personal or social use.
  2. Presenters have a way to request no photos during their session. If a presenter requests no photos be taken of their slides or poster, attendees are prohibited from taking photos.
  3. Video recording, live audio or video streaming, and/or recording for commercial use is still not allowed. As are photos in the Exhibit Hall.

What does this mean for attendees?

It’s imperative for attendees to respect their fellow colleagues and their data.

  • If a presenter does not allow photos to be taken of his/her work, it needs to be strictly followed.
  • If the presenter does allow photos, attendees should not be disruptive in session rooms so the presenter and other attendees are not disturbed. Attendees cannot use flash.
  • Leave the videography and live streaming to us. We will be recording many of the sessions and they’ll be available to attendees as part of DDW On Demand 24 hours after each session ends.

What does this mean for oral and poster presenters?

Now, you have the choice to allow, or not allow, photos of your presentation or poster. With abstract submission acceptance notifications and speaker invitations, DDW will be sending a “no photos” icon to include on your slides or poster board if you choose not to allow photos at DDW 2018. Poster presenters will also find a small printed icon at each board (in the tack cup) that can be used on-site.

It’s important for presenters to make the distinction moving forward. If you have any questions, please email the DDW Program team.

Social Media

Conference attendees are encouraged to share information from presentations on social media provided that they respect the wishes of presenters, as stated in the revised policy. Oral and poster presenters may label any or all slides in their presentations with a “no photos” icon. Do not photograph also means do not post.

Attendees must respect the presenters’ requests in these instances and refrain from posting any images from these designated slides or posters on social media. If DDW sees tweets with the “no photos” icon, we will call you out for being a disrespectful attendee. Let’s avoid that.

If the presenter allows photos and you plan to share on social media, be sure to credit the author. The science presented at DDW is protected by copyright.

DDW thanks attendees for adhering to these policies. If you have any questions, please email DDW.

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