DDW News

How Do You Learn Best?

At Digestive Disease Week® (DDW) 2020, a variety of session formats ensure that no matter what your preferred learning style is, you’ll find education catered to you. With over 400 scientific sessions highlighting the brightest ideas and breakthroughs in digestive disease, DDW offers a wide range of educational topics that appeal to your individual needs.

DDW’s session formats range from lectures with Q&A, to case-based learning, to small-group interactive sessions, and more. Get your first look at what sessions will be offered at this year’s meeting with the DDW Online Planner, which can be filtered by session format. For a full list of session formats and types, visit the DDW website.

Invited-Speaker Sessions

Organized by each of the four sponsoring societies, these sessions feature prestigious experts on a variety of topics. This year, select invited-speaker sessions are building in Continuing Conversations at the end — dedicated 15-minute, post-lecture blocks, that give you the opportunity to network with presenters and fellow attendees. Below are a few examples of invited-speaker sessions at DDW.

Session FormatDescription
State-of-the-Art LectureThese sessions feature one keynote speaker on a given topic. Sessions are typically 60 minutes with five minutes for questions.
Clinical SymposiumThree to five speakers give presentations on clinical topics in these 90-minute sessions, which includes time for questions and answers.
Hands-On WorkshopParticipants can test techniques for specific procedures in these interactive sessions sponsored by ASGE and SSAT. Q&A time is allotted throughout the session.
Breakfast ConnectionThese ticketed sessions provide the opportunity for attendees to interact with speakers and ask questions in a small-group setting.

Abstract-Based Sessions

Abstract-based sessions feature new research findings from peer-reviewed abstracts, presented in lecture or poster sessions. All accepted abstracts are published in the May online supplement to GIE: Gastrointestinal Endoscopy, Gastroenterology and will be available in the DDW Mobile App and Online Planner. Abstracts will also be in the DDW ePosters site starting on May 2. Below are a few examples of abstract-based sessions at DDW.

Session FormatDescription
Quick ShotsSponsored by SSAT and DDW, Quick Shots sessions feature up to 20 authors presenting brief oral reports on their work.
Poster SessionPoster presenters will be at their posters in the Poster Hall to explain their findings and answer questions.
Research ForumThese 90-minute sessions feature several abstract presentations, and often an invited keynote presentation.

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