DDW News

International Women’s Day: Looking Forward to DDW® 2023

Today, March 8 is Internationals Women’s Day, making it a great time to recognize how women have contributed to the medical field but acknowledge the unique barriers they face. Digestive Disease Week® (DDW) 2023 has scheduled multiple sessions and events covering topics that affect physicians and patients who identify as women. Doctors of any gender would also benefit from attending so they can better understand and address this population. All sessions listed below are included in the cost of DDW registration. Secure your spot by March 15 to save and get access to the content that will propel your career forward.

ASGE GenderSpeak Workshop: Building Effective Relationships and Teams Through Effective Communication

Supported by the ASGE Women’s Initiative

Friday, May 5, 1–5 p.m.

Attending this hands-on workshop will help men and women to better understand and value each other’s cultures in order to become more successful together, both professionally and personally. Panels will discuss different leadership and communication styles used by men and women and how they can impact the gastroenterology unit, as well as nonverbal barriers caused by gender differences.

DDW Women’s Health and Liver Disease

Saturday, May 6, 10–11:30 a.m.

This Combined Clinical Symposium will cover GI and hepatology diseases that affect women across reproductive age. Topics to be covered include GI procedures and imaging tests that are safe in pregnancy, contraceptive methods that are affected by underlying liver disease, and managing hepatic adenomas.

Gastroenterology Women’s Coalition (GWC) Women’s Leadership Program

Sunday, May 7, 8–9:30 a.m.

This session will discuss strategies and tools for promoting women into leadership opportunities. Attendees will leave with an understanding of imposter syndrome and how it influences their perception of self-worth and be able to identify strategies for rethinking their value in the workplace to optimize work satisfaction.

AGA Equity and Opportunity in Creating our New Normal in the GI Workforce

Sunday, May 7, 4–5:30 p.m.

In this new era of work/life integration, it’s important to explore equity and opportunity. This session will examine structural barriers in the gastroenterology field that arose during the pandemic and effective advocacy strategies. Participants will also learn negotiation styles and skills to promote work/life balance in both clinical and research practices.

AGA Women in GI Luncheon

Sponsored by the AGA Women’s Committee

Monday, May 8, Noon–2 p.m.

The annual AGA Women in GI Luncheon is an opportunity for AGA women members to network with their peers, get further engaged with AGA, and participate in opportunities to recognize the accomplishments of women in GI.

ASGE Achieving Success — Lessons from Women in Endoscopy

Sponsored by Women in Endoscopy SIG

Tuesday, May 9, 8–9:30 a.m.

AGA Gastroenterology and the LGBTQ+ Community

Tuesday, May 9, 2–3:30 p.m.

Learn best practices for inclusive and equitable care for sexual and gender minority patients with digestive disorders, as well as how to create an affirming environment for providers, trainees and staff. This session will also demonstrate how to deliver affirming digestive care to transgender patients and unique considerations for this patient population.

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