DDW News

Let Your Late-Breaking Research Shine

The general deadline to submit an abstract for consideration for Digestive Disease Week® (DDW) 2019 has come and gone, but you still have an opportunity to submit clinical and basic late-breaking abstracts for presentation at DDW in San Diego, CA, May 18-21, 2019. DDW will be accepting late-breaking abstracts online until Feb. 15 at 5 p.m. ET.

DDW’s four sponsoring societies – AASLD, AGA, ASGE and SSAT – will jointly accept late-breaking abstracts for presentation at DDW to highlight novel research in the field. Representatives from the sponsoring societies will review basic and clinical abstract submissions to find the most up-to-the-minute GI developments that will soon impact both scientists and practitioners. The late-breaking submission period is not an extension to the general submission period; rather, only substantive abstracts that contain results not available at the Dec. 1 general abstract submission deadline will be considered. Visit the DDW website for more information.

Let your research shine at DDW 2019. Submit your research today.

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