DDW News



Newly approved obesity treatments will be reviewed during lunch symposium

Eight experts will discuss novel endoscopic approaches for the treatment of obesity during Tuesday’s Kelly and Carlos Pelligrini SSAT and SAGES Luncheon Symposium. The annual symposium, which qualifies for up to three hours of CME credit and does not require a ticket, is co-sponsored by SSAT and the Society of American Gastrointestinal and Endoscopic Surgeons (SAGES).


Hospitalized cirrhotic patients present multiple treatment challenges

Patients who are hospitalized with cirrhosis are in trouble. They may have hepatic encephalopathy leading to impaired mentation and possible coma. They may have acute kidney injury that requires a liver transplant. They may have portal hypertension leading to ascites and spontaneous bacterial peritonitis. And they may have potentially fatal variceal bleeding.


Society presidents gather at Women in GI Luncheon

The gastroenterology community welcomes female presidents of four GI societies (left to right): Karen L. Woods, MD, FASGE, ASGE president-elect; Sheila E. Crowe, MD, AGAF, AGA president-elect; Carol A. Burke, MD, FACG, ACG president; and Anna S. Lok, MD, FAASLD, AASLD president.


Hear the ‘Best of DDW’ in one session

Representatives from each of the four participating DDW® societies will highlight the top research abstracts presented over the course of this year’s meeting during Tuesday’s Best of DDW session. DDW Council Chair Grace H. Elta, MD, AGAF, FASGE, and DDW Council Treasurer Steven A. Edmundowicz, MD, FASGE, will moderate the two-hour session, a perennial favorite for meeting attendees.