Were you an attendee of Digestive Disease Week® (DDW) 2018? If you were, remember that DDW On Demand was complimentary with your DDW registration and you have two years to take advantage of your free online access. Watch 450 hours of non-ticketed presentations from the 2018 meeting anytime, anywhere. With fully synchronized slides and audio from all 17 of the DDW Tracks, you’ll be able to access the premier educational content presented during the meeting.
To access DDW On Demand online, go to watch.ondemand.org/ddwlogin and enter your last name, your DDW 2018 badge ID and the email address you used to register for the meeting. You will also be prompted to create a password. Once you have been verified, you will no longer need your badge number. Start watching!
Didn’t Attend DDW 2018?
We’re sorry you couldn’t make it, but you can still access the most comprehensive CME accredited program in GI by ordering DDW On Demand. Purchase and start watching today.