DDW News


Choose from three options to claim CME credits

DDW® 2019 offers attendees the chance to earn up to 33.25 continuing medical education (CME) credits by participating in designated sessions. Each of the four sponsoring societies — AASLD, AGA, ASGE and SSAT — issues credits.

In general, one hour on the clock is worth one CME credit. If you attend a 90-minute session, for example, you will earn 1.5 credit hours. Most sessions offer CME credits, although some sessions, such as business meetings or poster sessions, do not.

The best resource to track your CME hours is the DDW Mobile App. You can tag the sessions you attend and keep track of the hours you accumulate. Session detail information in the app notes the number of CME hours available for each credited session. You may claim your credit by using the link to the CME website in the app. Simply log in, tap “Claim My CME” and you will be redirected to the site to print your certificate.

You can also visit the CME kiosks in the registration area in Hall A to log in, search for the sessions you attended and print a certificate. You will need your badge number and last name to access the system, which will automatically calculate the number of CME points earned. If you don’t have your badge number handy, there’s a look-up option to help you find your profile. The kiosks also allow you to print a certificate of attendance.

If you do not claim CME credits while at DDW, you can claim them online at www.ddw.org/cme. The site will be available through Oct. 31, 2019.

Follow these steps to claim your CME and print your CME certificate or certificate of attendance:
Choose from three options:

  1. Tap “Claim My CME” on the DDW Mobile App to access the CME website.
  2. Visit a registration kiosk on-site.
  3. Go to www.ddw.org/cme following the meeting.
  4. Log in with your last name and badge number if you visit a kiosk or the DDW website. A look-up option is available if you can’t remember your badge number.
  5. Select the CME certificate you are claiming by clicking the “Update and Print” link. If you wish to create a certificate of attendance, select that option.
  6. Search for the sessions you attended. Any session that required an additional registration fee will automatically populate.
  7. From the search results, click the “Add” button to add a session to your certificate.
  8. Select the number of hours you participated in the chosen session.
  9. Complete the brief session evaluation and submit.

After you have added all the sessions you attended, click the “Print” button to generate your CME certificate or certificate of attendance.

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