DDW News


Digestive Disease Week® (DDW) 2020 is Cancelled

Digestive Disease Week® (DDW) 2020 and all associated events, scheduled for May 2-5, 2020, in Chicago, have been cancelled.

While we are disappointed to miss the science, education and networking that are hallmarks of DDW, we must focus on the health and safety of our community. Thank you for your patience as we evaluated the status of DDW in light of the rapidly changing coronavirus pandemic.

We are exploring options for virtual education. For 50 years, DDW has advanced our understanding of digestive disease and helped us improve patient care – 2020 should continue that tradition. We will keep in touch as plans for distance learning come together.

Certainly, this cancellation raises many questions. We have attempted to answer them in this FAQ and remain committed to keeping you informed of new details as they form.

If you have additional questions, please submit a ticket to our help desk. This will help direct your question to the appropriate person and expedite a response.

Thank you for your patience.

8 Responses

  1. Well so it is. Sorry to miss the occasion. Waiting to see what can be done to transfer the information. Dying to see what is new.

  2. I want to share a conference that is moved from F2F into a virtual conference. My mother is presenting. The name of the conference is Midwest Nursing Research Conference. The conference is scheduled from April 1-4
    Please visit their website: http://www.mnrs.org
    Are you planning to HOLD a virtual conference just like this one?
    thank you,

    1. We are exploring options for virtual education. We will keep in touch as plans for distance learning come together.

    1. Given the logistics that go into organizing a meeting of this size, it will be unlikely that DDW will be able to reschedule the 2020 meeting; however, in the coming weeks we intend to tap into the innovative spirit of our specialty and share the science and education from our meeting as we are able.

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