DDW News


Introducing DDW’s incoming leader: Dr. Loren Laine

Loren Laine
Loren Laine, MD, AGAF

The DDW Council is excited to announce that Loren Laine, MD, AGAF, from Yale School of Medicine, New Haven, CT, has been selected to serve as the next DDW Council Chair. Dr. Laine will serve as chair-elect before taking the reins as chair of the DDW Council immediately following DDW 2020. Dr. Laine succeeds Grace H. Elta, MD, AGAF, FASGE, from Michigan Medicine, Ann Arbor, who has led DDW for two terms, beginning with DDW 2015.

Dr. Laine is well-suited for this new role, attending DDW for more than 20 years and serving on the DDW Council from 2003-2006. Dr. Laine is a current member of AGA and ASGE and has actively led AGA, including two terms leading the AGA Council, which plans AGA’s DDW programming and as president in 2012-2013.

Congrats to Dr. Laine, and a big thank you to Dr. Elta for her tireless efforts these past 5 years. In the hands of these leaders, we are confident DDW will remain the world’s premier GI meeting and a meeting all attendees continue to look forward to each year.

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