DDW News


New: DDW® Shark Tank Session

New for Digestive Disease Week® (DDW) 2019, the DDW Shark Tank session is envisioned as being a fun, high energy and entertaining, interactive session focused around scientific innovation. It will feature “innovators” from each of the sponsoring societies (AASLD, AGA, ASGE and SSAT) who will pitch their best scientific innovations/research. Innovators will use a “pure pitch” style to present the value of their work and vision with the option of using props. They will have an opportunity to receive important feedback and be asked questions about their work from the sharks. Each innovator will have five minutes total to present and five minutes to answer questions from sharks. The sharks and audience then vote on the best innovation. Read on for a list of the societies’ chosen shark and innovators, and click here to read more about DDW session formats.

Session Details

Sunday, May 19 – 4:00-5:30 PM

Opening Remarks: Shaheen, Nicholas

     AASLD Innovators: Heller, Theo | Duarte-Rojo, Andres
     AASLD Shark: Gores, Gregory

     AGA Innovators: Kim, Chang Hee, additional innovator TBD
     AGA Shark: Muthusamy, Raman

     ASGE Innovators: Dye, Charles | Abu Dayyeh, Barham
     ASGE Shark: Ganz, Robert

     SSAT Innovators: Sugahara, Kazuki | Davis, Kurt
     SSAT Shark: House, Michael

Announcement of Winner/Closing: Spiegel, Brennan

2 Responses

  1. Thank you for the opportunity to offer to share my innovation
    please send the necessary forms so that I can report on it and have it considered for the shark meeting

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