DDW News


Sign Up for DDW® Sponsoring Society Courses

On May 2–5, over 14,000 GI professionals will gather to discover the brightest ideas and breakthroughs in digestive disease. At Digestive Disease Week® (DDW) 2020, you’ll attend top-notch educational sessions presented by DDW’s four sponsoring societies (AASLDAGAASGE and SSAT). Below, you’ll find some of the societies’ featured courses from the sponsoring societiesYou can browse all sessions in the DDW Online Planner and filter by society to see more of the societies’ program offerings. 

Register by April 30 to save money and secure your spot in courses that require advance registration. Member trainees, postdoctoral fellows, residents and students also receive complimentary registration for DDW, and discounts on sponsoring society courses, through the early bird period. If you’ve already registered, you can still add the ticketed sessions below by logging into the registration site. 

AASLD Hepatology Update: The Year in Review 

Saturday, May 2, 2–5 p.m. 

Early bird savings: $50 

Available CME/MOC: 3 AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™ 

AASLD’s annual course will provide a comprehensive update on key clinical areas in the management of liver disease. This year, the focus is on advances in diagnoses and therapeutic interventions, as well as areas of controversy, such as liver transplant for alcohol-associated liver disease. Participants will be learning how to identify predictors of progressive liver disease in chronic hepatitis B and fatty liver, incorporate quality measures in the management of patients with cirrhosis, and identify candidates for liver transplantation. 

AGA Postgraduate Course 

Saturday, May 2, 8:15 a.m.–5:30 p.m. 

Sunday, May 3, 8:30 a.m.–12:35 p.m. 

Early bird savings: $75 

Available CME/MOC: Up to 12 AMA PRA Category 1 Credits or 12 MOC points 

AGA’s Postgraduate Course is a comprehensive 1.5-day program aimed at providing attendees with a deeper understanding of how to diagnose and treat a variety of disease states and digestive disorders. range of session formats will highlight the latest advances in the delivery of high-quality, patient-centered GI care. The course includes six general sessions (esophagus, stomach/small bowel, pancreatic/biliary, IBD and colon), as well as a variety of luncheon breakout sessions and case-based sessions to choose from. 

AGA also offers a variety of resources for those who are unable to attend the course in person or would like to review materials. Purchase a printed summaries book or course capture, available either online or as a USBSave up to $15 by purchasing before March 18. 

ASGE Annual Postgraduate Course — Endoscopy 2020 and Beyond: Integrating Innovation, Evidence Based-Clinical Practice and Expert Opinion 

Sunday, May 3, 1–6 p.m. 

Monday, May 4, 7 a.m.–Noon 

Early bird savings: Up to $70 

Available CME/MOC: Up to 9.25 AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™ or 9.25 MOC points 

Learn the latest endoscopic techniques and procedural approaches at ASGE’s Annual Postgraduate Course. Throughout the four sessions (upper GI, colon, pancreatobiliary and potpouri), 22 faculty will present video casehighlighting procedural approaches and facilitate case-based discussions. Clinical topic highlights include GERD, bariatrics, pancreatitis, antithrombotic management, managing GI bleeding, dysplasia in IBD and the latest in ERCP techniques. 

This course is also available for purchase On-Demand, either in full or by individual session, for those who are unable to attend in person. Save up to $145 by purchasing on or before March 18.  

ASGE Hands-On Workshops 

Saturday, May 2–Tuesday, May 5 

Early bird savings: $100 per course 

Available CME: Up to 4.5 AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™ 

New: ASGE offers hands-on workshops where attendees can participate in simulated endoscopic procedures, guided by skilled faculty endoscopists.

  • Train the Endoscopic Trainer: Friday, May 1, 1–5:30  p.m. Participate in small group role play exercises and interactive seminars using endoscopic simulators to improve your endoscopic teaching skills. 
  • (NEW) Interventional Approaches to IBDSaturday, May 2, 8–10:30 a.m. Attendees will gain hands-on experience with minimally invasive endoscopic techniques in patients with complicated IBD.
  • Endoscopic Submucosal DissectionSaturday, May 2, 1–3:30 p.m. This workshop will cover methods of endoscopic submucosal dissection (ESD), a minimally invasive treatment for removal of early tumors and cancers of the esophagus, stomach and rectum. 
  • Advanced Techniques for Advanced Fellows: Exploring Tools of the Trade with Experts Workshop: Sunday, May 3, 8–11 a.m. This workshop will provide second and third-year fellows with an updated review of hands-on skills. 
  • (NEW) Customized Choose Your Own AdventureSunday, May 3, 1–3:30 p.m. Choose one of five skill sets to practice on your own: endoscopic suturing, upper EMR, lower EMR, Barrett’s Ablation and ESD. Expert faculty will provide tips and tricks. 
  • Tackling the Complex Colon Polyp: Monday, May 4, 8–10:30 a.m. Attendees will learn optical diagnosis and lesion assessment, and will gain hands-on experience with adjunctive techniques in EMR. 
  • Suturing and ClosuresMonday, May 4, 1–3:30 p.m. This workshop will give participants experience in endoscopic suturing and closure techniques as they learn about basic principles of the management of acute perforations. 
  • Bariatric TherapiesTuesday, May 5, 8:30–10:30 a.m. After attending this workshop, participants will be familiar with FDA-approved and investigational endoscopic devices for weight loss and management of bariatric surgical complications. 

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