Dorry L. Segev, MD, PhD, FACS
Marjory K. and Thomas Pozefsky Professor of Surgery and Epidemiology, and Associate Vice Chair of Surgery at Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD; Founder and Director of the Epidemiology Research Group in Organ Transplantation

Session: I will present the SSAT Doris and John L. Cameron Guest Oration “Of Math and Medicine” on Sunday.
Describe the lecture in a tweet: Novel mathematical techniques and big data analysis can change surgical practice, informed consent, clinical decision making, biologic understanding, and policy (admittedly I didn’t count the characters).
What’s something interesting about your session that attendees might not know from reading the program description?
Clinical tools, such as Markov decision-process models and other calculators, can help patients and providers in shared clinical decision-making discussions. Big data can be used to inform policy — we have written Congressional bills signed by the last two U.S. Presidents using surgical big data.
Why did you decide to get into transplant surgery?
John Cameron inspired my interest in general surgery when I was a medical student and subsequently a surgery resident at Johns Hopkins. Academic surgery is the ideal balance between helping one patient directly in the operating room, and thousands indirectly by advancing the field through research.
Favorite part of DDW®: New science
I feel most successful when … one of my mentees succeeds.
If I could give one piece of advice, it would be: Stay balanced.
Please refer to the DDW Mobile App or the Program section in Sunday’s DDW Daily News for additional details on this and other DDW events.