DDW News


AASLD Speaker Spotlight: Kathleen E. Corey, MD, MPH, MMSc

Kathleen E. Corey, MD, MPH, MMSc
Kathleen E. Corey, MD, MPH, MMSc

Kathleen E. Corey, MD, MPH, MMSc
Assistant Professor of Medicine, Harvard Medical School; Director, Massachusetts General Hospital Fatty Liver Clinic, Boston

Session: Clinical Challenges in Adult and Pediatric Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease on Monday

Lecture title: “Challenges in Screening for NAFLD (Including At-Risk Populations)”


Describe the session in a tweet:

This session will address controversies, diagnostics and therapeutics for NASH in children and adults.


What drew you to the GI profession?

NAFLD is an important condition that impacts children and adults worldwide. Many individuals are diagnosed late in the course of the disease where treatment options are limited. I became interested in NAFLD after seeing asymptomatic individuals stunned by a new diagnosis of NASH cirrhosis and who ultimately succumbed to this condition. I am devoted to improving techniques to identify NAFLD and NASH early, develop better treatments for NASH, and to understand and treat the conditions that occur with NASH, with a focus on cardiovascular disease in NAFLD.


Which mentor made the most significant impact on your professional life?

Ray Chung, MD, chief of hepatology and vice chair of the GI unit at Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH), has made a lasting and unparalleled impact on my life and career. I began working with Ray as an intern at MGH 15 years ago and have been continually inspired by his brilliance, enthusiasm and love of medicine and liver disease.


Best advice from a mentor:

It’s ok to say ‘no.’


Best day of my career:

When I matched at MGH for internal medicine as a medical student at Duke.


Favorite part of DDW®:

Running into colleagues and old friends.


Please refer to the DDW Mobile App or the Program section in Monday’s issue for the time and locations of this and other DDW events.

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