DDW News


Liver Diseases and Transplantation

Best of AASLD 2019 Podcast Now Available

Richard K. Sterling, MD, MSc, FACP, FACG, AGAF, FAASLD, reviewed the top abstracts presented at DDW 2019 during the Best of AASLD. The Best of AASLD is now available as a podcast to download and listen.


DDW News video: Managing HBV and HCV in pregnancy

Although there are incredibly effective therapies for viral hepatitis, disruption of maternal to child transmission remains an important aspect of prevention. In this DDW News video, Nancy S. Reau, MD, FAASLD, discusses some of the challenges of treating expectant mothers with hepatitis B and C.


DDW News video: Viral hepatitis and pregnancy

Nancy S. Reau, MD, FAASLD, discusses the worldwide prevalence of hepatitis B and hepatitis C during pregnancy, and points to some of the resources available to gastroenterologists treating expectant mothers with viral hepatitis.