DDW News


The Official Pre-Show Planning Guide to DDW 2019

It’s officially under a month until Digestive Disease Week® (DDW) and if you haven’t started planning, the time is now. Many of your favorite show highlights, such as ePosters and educational session tracks, are back again this year along with a host of new features. Here’s a look at a few highlights and where you can go to learn more and set up an efficient plan that ensures you can maximize your time on-site.

Start Here

If you haven’t registered, do so now. Registering unlocks exclusive attendee benefits such as access to the comprehensive DDW Online Planner and Mobile App, which includes full text abstracts and allows you to create a personalized schedule.

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Download the DDW Mobile App which will help you quickly and easily access your DDW itinerary, find exhibitors, sessions, maps and much more. The DDW Online Planner can be viewed on your desktop or laptop and sync to your mobile device, as along as you are logged in on both.

Explore the Exhibit Hall in the recent Exhibit Hall Preview post which outlines this year’s new features, directs you to exhibitor listings by category and highlights the New Exhibitor Pavilion. This year, there will be more opportunities than ever to learn about new technology and view live demonstrations on the show floor.

Finally, the DDW Preliminary Program, released earlier this year, contains the educational and networking highlights offered by each society as well as key logistical information regarding travel, hotels and city information. You can also find out more about the childcare available while you’re attending the conference.

As you finalize your DDW schedule, remember to include special events and networking opportunities. Some highlights include a Roundtable-With-the-Experts session each day, the DDW Diversity Reception and the special DDW 50th Anniversary Reception on May 17. These events, and many others taking place during the week, offer you the important opportunity to connect with leaders in the field and share ideas with colleagues.

Register Now

Register now and start planning. This is one event you don’t want to miss.

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