DDW News


See #DDW19 in photos and start planning for #DDW20

At Digestive Disease Week (DDW) 2019 in San Diego, CA, DDW commemorated its 50th year as the premier meeting in gastroenterology, hepatology and surgery. Nearly 14,000 attendees helped us celebrate over four days of networking and world-class education that featured 813 original sessions (oral and poster), 4,229 posters and 291 exhibitor booths.


ASGE honors leaders in GI endoscopy at Crystal Awards

ASGE and the ASGE Foundation honored several outstanding gastroenterologists who have contributed to the advancement of GI endoscopy during the annual Crystal Awards dinner on Sunday, May 19, at the US Grant Hotel in San Diego. Gregory G. Ginsberg, MD, FASGE, won the Rudolf V. Schindler Award, ASGE’s highest honor.


Studies explore endoscopy training issues, trends to improve patient safety

A series of presentations covered several recent studies focusing on ways to enhance and improve endoscopy training — and ultimately improve patient safety — for both the trainer and trainee during an ASGE session on Saturday “Training Tips in Endoscopy for the Student and the Teacher.” Joshua B. Satchwell, MD, discussed the results of a randomized trial looking at a game-based learning intervention.